

Since the Roman era, stretches of river have been canalised. The River Welland, for instance was canalised as far as Stamford for navigation, trade and industry.

Canalised River Welland at Spalding (Image: Steffie Shields)

So too Dutch canal engineers were employed in creating formal canals in large gardens as at Ayscoughfee Hall, (HE Grade II, now a public park). This canal was restored to reflect a WWI Memorial, a Temple of Remembrance or cloister of brick covered with plaster, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and dedicated in 1922, costing £3,500 paid for by local people. The large stone in front, part of the original design, was inscribed to commemorate the end of World War II in 1945.

Formal canal at Ayscoughfee Hall, Spalding (Image: Steffie Shields)