We need your help to collect, edit and transcribe people’s memories of two buildings intrinsically linked to Grimsby’s fishing heritage on the historic docks. Gathering experiences of life on the docks in the 20th century we want to hear from anyone who had a connection with the smoking and processing activities of these two stunning buildings. With your enthusiasm for Grimsby’s rich and unique heritage and a desire to share this with others, you can make a great contribution to this project. We will be talking to office workers, filleters, smokers, processors, lumpers and auctioneers to name a few.
These memories will help us uncover the rich history of the smoking and fishing industry and day-to-day activities of Grimsby docks.
Using the research, you have collected you will help identify key stories and contribute to the writing of interpretation for a new exhibition.
About the project:
We are working on a major project to preserve the centre of the historic Grimsby Docks: the Kasbah. Focusing on the derelict Peterson’s Fish factory, a 19th century smokehouse, and Building 89, a Victorian set of offices for fish processing, we want to bring these buildings back to life.
For more information, click to see the role description below. To apply for this volunteer role please fill out the application below and send through to katherine.briggs@heritagelincolnshire.org.